Monday, May 5, 2008


If you happen to be observing this blog, as I have, it lists the time of the post. Not that anyone in their right mind would notice something like that, but if you look, all my posting happens around 11:00 or so. Well, for all your curious mids out there, I have advisory period in the Library, thereby allowing complete and total access to a computer whenever I so choose or have a whim. Haha. I feel really special and now look like a complete idiot.

Speaking of complete idiots and observing things, it is very likely that boys have a menstrual cycle just like girls, only, they don't menstrate. It's like they have this "Man" PMS or something. I find it really annoying. But hey, what can ya do? Boys mature soo much slower than girls do. Food for thought for anyone who cares.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Okay...way out in left field,
I have no idea if you read follow ups on your comments on my blog, but here I'm posting the reply to comment...
Sorry for bring it back up, it's just it has stuck,unfortunatley, with me. Lucky you had forgotten! Hopefully you can forget soon again!