Monday, July 7, 2008

Photo Caption Contest

Ok readers, here I have a photo of one Lego dude holding an anchor and another dude (find the bright red dot and he is right next to it. The red dot is a gun).

The contest is, come up with a good caption for this picture, dialouge, whatever and post it as a comment. I'll judge them and announce the winner on my blog. Let those creative cogs fly people!!!


doxinator128 said...

After being stranded on Couch Island for weeks, the Captain could no longer stand his first mate.

aquaman01 said...

Thsi just in: George Lucas, the ever famed director of Star Wars, and Gore Verbinski, the mastermind behind Pirates of the Carribean, have just teamed up to bring you this new adventure packed film. "Droids Of The Carribean."